Personal Training
Personal Training is a phenomenal way to truly reach your peak performance with a Doctor of Physical Therapy as your coach. At Summit, we offer 1 on 1 as well as 2 on 1 options.
Why Should I Get Into Personal Training?
Personal training with Summit is about optimizing your health outcomes across the board. Research consistently shows that individuals in the top 33% of strength for their age have an over 80% decrease in cardiovascular events. Furthermore, those who are the most fit (in terms of cardiovascular health) have an over 50% decrease in their all-cause mortality. Optimizing your strength and cardiovascular fitness is quite literally the most potent intervention we have to increase both your longevity and your health, happiness and quality of life. Take control of your health with your very own Doctor of Physical Therapy as your guide.
What Is The Difference Between Physical Therapy and Personal Training?
Often times, Physical Therapy uses a combination of hands-on techniques and exercise to reduce pain, improve mobility, or help facilitate healing and recovery after an injury. Personal training, however, is focused on your goals of optimizing your health, wellness and longevity through a consistent, comprehensive, and progressive strength training and cardiovascular training regimen.
Who Will Benefit From Personal Training?
As Doctors of Physical Therapy, our therapists have specific and advanced experience in optimizing human movement while minimizing injury and helping adults with complex medical backgrounds. Our training clients include adults of all ages, from those in their 20s and 30s to those in their 70s and 80s looking to optimize their strength, balance and independence.
What Are Your Personal Training Rates?
All sessions run for 55 minutes:
1 on 1 Personal Training: $115/session
2 on 1 Personal Training: $65 each per session
For 2 on 1 training, you and your training buddy do not need to be at the same “level". We have spouses and friends that train together and have very different training experience prior to starting with us. It’s our job to create the program that works for you both.