Sports Performance

Sports Performance at Summit is all about getting athletes back on the field safely, performing at their best, and preventing future injuries. Whether you’ve torn your ACL, strained a hamstring, torn your rotator cuff, or are dealing with aches, pains, or mobility restrictions holding you back, a comprehensive evaluation at Summit is the first step toward reaching peak performance.

Early Phase:

Decreasing pain, minimizing atrophy, preserving/regaining range of motion and facilitating healing are all core tenets of handling acute injuries in the early phase.

The shorter your down time, the faster we can begin moving you forward and back to play.

Early Mid-Phase

Once swelling is down, pain is decreased and loading is tolerated, we’re leaving the acute injury phase and moving into the middle phases of rehab.

At this point, matching intensity of our strengthening interventions to your specific capacity is paramount to optimize healing and promote proper fiber remodeling.

Late Mid-Phase

Late Mid-phase is generally characterized by minimal to no pain but the presence of strength/coordination deficits that prevent you from performing optimally.

At this point, optimal application of proper strength and conditioning principles take priority to build your capacity beyond where it was pre-injury.

Late Phase

Late phase return to play focuses on ensuring your body can withstand the specific demands your sport or activity require of you. These demands come in many forms, such as strength, power, endurance, speed, and agility (as well as the varying intensity and volume of each of these.)

A lineman is going to require a very different late phase rehabilitation protocol than a goalie, sprinter, or wrestler.

Your body, your goals and your journey are all unique.

Reach your peak by booking your evaluation with Summit today.