Beginning with the end in mind for return to sport, with Dr Lionel Chia

Dr Lionel Chia joins Chelsea and Dan to bring his 2022 article in JOSPT, Beginning With The End In Mind: Implementing Backward Design To Improve Sports Injury Rehabilitation Practices, to life.

Lionel outlines 4 categories to consider when planning return to sport and performance: (1) deconstructing goals, (2) determining key performance indicators, (3) assessing the challenge point, and (4) using the control-chaos continuum to guide interventions.

We work through examples of why and where to use the concept of backward design during rehabilitation.


Find Lionel's paper here:

More on designing effect exercise progressions during rehabilitation (Blanchard & Glasgow):

More on motor learning and the challenge point—where effective practice occurs:

The control-chaos continuum and progressing rehabilitation (Taberner and colleagues):

The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®, Inc. (JOSPT®, Inc.) publishes scientifically rigorous, clinically relevant content for members of the health care community to advance musculoskeletal and sports-related practice globally.JOSPT ranks second of 68 journals in the category of rehabilitation, the fourth of 86 journals in orthopedics, and the fifth of 87 journals in sport sciences.

It’s an honor to be part of the effort to bring this information to the public in an easily digestible, accessible format. We hope you enjoy.


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