Graded motor imagery for managing low back pain, JOSPT Cases

In part 1 of this JOSPT Insights x JOSPT Cases collaboration, clinicians Dr Cody Mansfield, Dr Laura Cutler, and Dr Jake Bleacher review their approach to supporting a patient with chronic low back pain.

First, they review the history, clinical assessment, and the interventions performed over the first 2 treatment sessions.

Next, the clinical team reviews how they decided when to leave the biomechanical world and when to focus on graded motor imagery and laterality training.

Dr Chris Hughes, Editor-in-Chief for JOSPT Cases, introduces the journal. He explains why case reports are important in musculoskeletal health and rehabilitation.


Check out the case report article that is the main subject of today's discussion plus its supplemental material:

Dr Lorimer Moseley on the role of the brain in chronic pain (snake story):

Dr Peter O’Sullivan and “Jack” sharing how Jack regained his life:

Understanding pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it:

Back pain: separating fact and fiction with Dr Peter O'Sullivan:

The Recognise App from the NOI group:

The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®, Inc. (JOSPT®, Inc.) publishes scientifically rigorous, clinically relevant content for members of the health care community to advance musculoskeletal and sports-related practice globally.JOSPT ranks second of 68 journals in the category of rehabilitation, the fourth of 86 journals in orthopedics, and the fifth of 87 journals in sport sciences.

It’s an honor to be part of the effort to bring this information to the public in an easily digestible, accessible format. We hope you enjoy.


Graded motor imagery for managing low back pain, JOSPT Cases (part 2)


SPORTS CORNER: Footy–"the game they play in heaven", with Melissa Haberfield