SPORTS CORNER: Supporting world champion soccer players, with Dr Marie Boo

Dan and Chelsea’s guest today is Dr Marie Boo—physical therapist for the US Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT). Dr Boo outlines the physical demands of women’s soccer, including how the demands change by position when it comes to accelerations, decelerations, changes of direction, top speed, and overall volume. She covers the typical injuries in elite women’s soccer, and how injury patterns in soccer are changing with the ever-increasing physical performance demands.

To wrap up, Marie shares her tips for supporting elite-level soccer players, and what a day in the life of the USWNT physical therapist looks like.

The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®, Inc. (JOSPT®, Inc.) publishes scientifically rigorous, clinically relevant content for members of the health care community to advance musculoskeletal and sports-related practice globally.JOSPT ranks second of 68 journals in the category of rehabilitation, the fourth of 86 journals in orthopedics, and the fifth of 87 journals in sport sciences.

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