Surgeon's insight on treating ankle sprain, with Dr Casey Humbyrd

Dr Casey Humbyrd—orthopaedic surgeon and Chief of foot & ankle orthopedics at the University of Pennsylvania—shares her expertise and insights on treating ankle sprains that are not responding to non-surgical treatment.

Dr Humbyrd reviews ankle anatomy and her rationale for recommending surgery, how she performs a Broström repair, and explains how she works in close partnership with physical therapists and patients to achieve quality rehabilitation and return to sport outcomes.

The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®, Inc. (JOSPT®, Inc.) publishes scientifically rigorous, clinically relevant content for members of the health care community to advance musculoskeletal and sports-related practice globally.JOSPT ranks second of 68 journals in the category of rehabilitation, the fourth of 86 journals in orthopedics, and the fifth of 87 journals in sport sciences.

It’s an honor to be part of the effort to bring this information to the public in an easily digestible, accessible format. We hope you enjoy.


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